
My photo
I ♥ Brothers/Sisters ! I ♥ gans and friends too. LOVE shopping , phone chats , ton-ing , liquor , slacking , texting . (: Photography mustn't be missed out either . I live my life the way i loved . I don't need your judgement . Don't exercise your character insults here b'cuz you don't have the rights to judge me at all . (; I live in the world full of people pretending to be someone they are not . A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. It's also a autograph of love .

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hope you won't not disappoint me .

Overdue pictures ! :D

Post about yesterday . (:
Went out with Justin and Cindy . Justin went for his piercing . WOO! XD
I went to shop for baby's gift for 1st monthsary . <3 Had a hard time choosing things . I'm troublesome . :x
We went for lunch at Swensens . (: Thanks for the drinks treat Justin !
Went further shopping ..... blah blah blah ....
Went back to school nearby , slacked .
Home sweet home ! :D

Today :
Went out with family . :D Having bad abdomen cramps , not feeling too well . :x
Throat pain too ! ): OMG , please get well soon ! HAHAH .
Planning to go out soon ! Marina barrage ? (:

Baby , i hope you wont disappoint me alright . :x 7 more days , i love you .

Thursday, May 27, 2010

i love the way you smiled to me ,

p5 photo
Hai .
Firstly , wanna apologised for not updating my blog , leaving it so dead .
Secondly i wanna wish my
May the lord be with you .
And thankyou for accompanying me when i'm bored . :>
Enjoy yourself with your beloved(s) ! :D

Had a holiday mood week , totally dont feel like studying at all . :>
Watching movies , lessons , discussion for project , slack , sleep , free periods ! - is what i did in school in this entire week , holiday mood all the way ! (:

I'm in love with BIGBANG ! :D *random
Will post pictures soon ! :P

♥ 9 more days ..

Saturday, May 15, 2010

If our love was a storybook , we'll meet on the very first page .

XIAOJUN . ( my child . ;D )

i miss having fun with this girl ! :X

( I miss this baby ! :'/ )

He's asleep now , in his LALA DREAMLAND . :>
But , it's so boring ! Someone entertain me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee !
Usual entertainer , Yapfengwei gone whr?!! :/ Seriously , i don't what to post , had a meaningless and boring day . *yawns

I wanna go out with.....

i miss babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy so badly nowwww ! D':

Friday, May 14, 2010

I miss baby ! D:

Lazy to blog ; tired .
Today spend very limited time with Baby . :/
I miss you so much .

Summarise :
School-ed . Had lunch with baby , Cindy and Linkai . (: Headed back for school ; slacked .
Sent Cindy and Baby out of school , went for training subsequently .
I wore baby's shirt for training ! <: After training , slacked with CK and Derrick . Plus my chocolate , JARROD ! :D Met baby , pei him take bus to his tuition . Homed after that . :P
i ♥ it when you took my hands . i ♥ it when you hug me when i'm moody . i ♥ it when you cuddle me after a long day at school , showing me you're a lil' tired . i ♥ it when you tickle me to tell me , you're playful . i ♥ it when our noses come in contact with one another . Lastly , i ♥ ♥ ♥ it when you whisper I LOVE YOU in my ears gently . ♥

Tag replies !

Yiqing: Helloooooooo ! Yeah I know your kor tell me ^^ got make wish ?! Heyhey I take your april 24th's quiz ah . <3
Reply : Hai ! Ohh , i never make wish . :X So concidence ! :>

Jolyn: You and 1 are more compatible !:> And 13 does not speak evil language but toddler language. AHAHAHAHA . He better not see this, if not he will nag me for insulting him ;B
Reply : HAHHAA Thankyou sist ! ^^ HAHA , momo not so bad to nag at you lah . He speak EVIL LANGUAGE ! :D

Sunday, May 9, 2010

When things get real bored.

1 . Bevan !
2. Cindy
3. Jacinda
4. Yiqing
5. Daniel
6. Byvan
7. Jeremy.C
8. Fengwei
9. Junhong
10. Miaojun
12. Amander
14. Raelene
15. Jolyn
16 . Sherralyn
17. Benjamin
18. Doreen
19. Tianli
20. Samita
21. Minyi
26. Oscar
27. Vanilla
30. Trisyia
31. derrick

• How did you meet 10?
Miaojun. Through Doreen . (:

• What would you do if you had never met 6?
Byvan . I wont have a fun girlfr ! :X

• What would you do if 20 and 15 dated?
Samita and Jolyn ! *STUNNED

• If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be?
Byvan and Raelene . None . I want to marry 1 !

• Did you ever like 16?
Sherralyn , As a sist . YES

• Have you ever seen 4 cry?
Yiqing , Nope !

• Would 4 and 17 make a good couple?
Yiqing and benjamin , Nah . But 4 and 5 will make a gd couple .

• Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple?
Bevan and Cindy , Maybe ?

•Describe 8.

• Do you like 12?
Amander .Of cos !

• Tell me something about 17.
Benjamin ,He's my brother in law.

• What's 7's favorite color?
Jeremy.C , Black i think.

• What would you do if 1 just confessed he/she liked you?
Bevan , I love you too baby!

• When was the last time you talked to number 15?
Jolyn . Last fri in school.

• How do you think 19 feels about you?
Tianli . IDK .

• What language does 13 speak?
Nigel . EVIL LANGUAGE ! <:

• Who is 2 going out with?
Cindy , no one - yet .

• What is 5's favorite music?
Daniel . No idea . :X

• Would you ever date 6?
Byvan . NOO!

• Is 11 single?
Yuquan . YEAPPX

• What is 10's last name?

• Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 2?
CINDY . Nono ! I dont wanna be lesbain !

• Where does 18 live?
Doreen . Blk 725 bedok reservior road * BLAH BLAH BLAH !

• What do you think about 20?
Samita . CUTE .

• What is the best thing about 29?

• What would you like to tell 14 right now?
Raelene . IDK . :/

• How did you meet 9?
Junhong . Through badminton ! :D

• What is the best and worst thing about 2?
Best : She's one that will be thr for you when you need her .
Worse : She eats darn slowly .

• Are you going to know 3 forever?
Jacinda . YES !

• How long have you known 26?
Oscar , 1year and 5 months , 9days

• Who is 24?
Phaqi !

• Are you or did you ever date 2?

• Do you have a crush on 22?
Jarrod . Np , he's my buddy chocolate ! ^^

• Would you kiss 28?
Naomi . NAH . (:

• Have you hugged/kissed 22?
Jarrod . Np . :X

• Would you like to hug/kiss 21?
Minyi . Hug , it's fine . Kiss ? No way !

• What do you hate about 23?
Haleeda . Nothing !

• What's your relationship with 28?
Naomi . SISTERS !

• Will you invite 29 to your party?
willy . YES!

• What language does 31 speak?

Swirl me around in your arms ,


Pictures spam ! :D
Had a awesome with baby and friends yesterday . (:
Shopped at Marina Square and Suntec . Subsequently , went to Marina Barrage for a short picnic . Rained but we had FUN! (:
Saw Miss Hester Oh at thr with her two dogs , dogs are scary ! ):
Played like mad .
Cabbed back with Cindy , Alvin and baby ! (:
Sent Cindy and Alvin home then spend a lil' personal time with baby . Kiss goodbye . (:
Homed . (:
To all my mothers in the world :

to my mom :
Thank you mumo for letting me arriving in this world with the 9 months hardship carrying me in you . Thankyou for letting me be so happy for this 14years of my life with you and family . Though you do scold me , but mumo .. Please trust me . Thankyou so much mumo . I love you .

Grow up ler , cant so childish kay ! ^^

Friday, May 7, 2010

So , kiss me .

Hai .
Sorry for going MIA . :X Examinations driving me nuts ! Finally it's over . * phewwwww
Had a tedious week . Luckily got awesome friends and boyfr ! Got me through it . ^^
Tomorrow going out ! :>
I miss you baby !