
My photo
I ♥ Brothers/Sisters ! I ♥ gans and friends too. LOVE shopping , phone chats , ton-ing , liquor , slacking , texting . (: Photography mustn't be missed out either . I live my life the way i loved . I don't need your judgement . Don't exercise your character insults here b'cuz you don't have the rights to judge me at all . (; I live in the world full of people pretending to be someone they are not . A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. It's also a autograph of love .

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I don't trust love ,

Hai .
Been thinking for half an hour on what to post . :/
Just describe how i'm feeling these days .

I FEEL .....

Happy because you brought my smiles by just smiling and laughing .

Sad because the one who brought you laughter is another girl .

Frustrated because you don't know what's going on with your girl and have to ask me .

Naive because i thought that just as long as she makes you happy , i'll be happy too .

Jealous when you get close to her .

Sickening when you side her when you don't understand what's going on .

like Silting , but it just won't hurt because my heart hurts more than the pain on my hands .

Heartbroken because I LOVE YOU but i can't say .

Disappointed because you let me down so many times .

Affected when you ignore me at times , my entire day mood ruined .

Moody when you are biased to her .

tho you don't love me already and you let me down ample times but i just like the way you are now because of one simple reason - i love you .