
My photo
I ♥ Brothers/Sisters ! I ♥ gans and friends too. LOVE shopping , phone chats , ton-ing , liquor , slacking , texting . (: Photography mustn't be missed out either . I live my life the way i loved . I don't need your judgement . Don't exercise your character insults here b'cuz you don't have the rights to judge me at all . (; I live in the world full of people pretending to be someone they are not . A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. It's also a autograph of love .

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pratically hopeless ,

Hi ! (:
Yesterday blogger screwed up! ):
Doing a short post for the past 5days. :D And today also.

School-ed everyday per usual. (: Support the team 3days in a week. Everyone is getting injuried and ill . D:
BNSS thrashed Majustri ! 5-0 ; WOOOO ! :DD

Today :
Went to school for the parents meeting . (: THANKS to Cedric's mom , she treat me cab . :D
Met Cindy daughter , went to roam around then head for the hall for the talk. Ok , it's totally bored yaw. Principal kept repeating stuffs , HAHA. I got evidence that it's bored , i found Amira's mom falling asleep too! :/LOLLOL.
Then slacked with Cindy and CO. at the bubbletea shop. :] Aunt called to bring me out today . She came to fetch me from school. Then we head to Junction8 , nothing to buy. D:
Headed to Marina Square , and another aunt joined us. Still nothing to buy ! DD:
Lastly , headed to Novena Square . (: Aunt bought me a vest for 40 bucks and a dress from 50 bucks ! Oh my ! THANKS THANKS ! :D Luv you manxzcx. ^^
Ate , then aunt sent me home! (:
No one's at home now. I'm such a loner. HAHA. (:

Byeeee! :D

* I'm trying to forget you by getting together with someone , i'm such a playgirl. ):

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pretty Boy ,

( Second song in my blog , can listen to it if you want. ^-^ )
M2M ROCKS ! (:
- Mirror mirror (NICE!)

I lie awake at night

See thing in black & white
I've only got you inside my mind
you know you have made me blind

I lie awake & pray
That you will look my way
I have all this longing in my heart
I knew it right from the start

Oh my pretty pretty boy I want you
Like I never ever loved no one before you
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me you love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy I need U
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside make me stay right beside you

I used to write your name
And put it in a frame
And sometime I think I hear you call
Right from my bedroom wall
you stay a little while
And touch me with your smile
And what can I say to make you mine
To reach out for you in time

Oh my pretty pretty boy I want you
Like I never ever loved no one before you
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me you love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside make me stay right beside you

Oh pretty boy ! Oh pretty boy !
Say you love me too !
Oh my pretty pretty boy I want you
Like I never ever loved no one before you
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me you love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside make me stay right beside you..

This song really describe what i wanted to tell you , 0112'09 ex* . (:
Tho it's impossible already , and things has became so awkward , im sorry if i've caused unhappiness. ):
Tho i love you , i'm learning to let go alr...
Sorry if i made things difficult for you ,
Your smile will just make me smile together . (:
I'm trying to let go , trying to move on too. ^-^
Go for the girl you've loved for 1year plus ! Don't let her go. You deserves her. (:
Today shall be the last time i'll say IMY ..
Byeee! Don't forget what you've promised me previously okay! (:
FRIENDS forever. :D Can be gans also not bad. HAHA.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Lost in your eyes ,

Changed URL. Update! (:

Monday -
School-ed .
Eugene accompanied me and Cindy to TM. Then Cindy left for art club while Eugene accompanied me to CC to look for the boys and he left. (: Thanks Eugene. *
Looked at them play , okay lah , very funny. Oh ya ! RSS compeiting with YuNeng. Haha! (: So cuteeeeeee leh my juniors.
Something made me extremely upset . Someone shouted at me just b'cuz the points. )': Tsktsk..
Then left at 6plus.
Homed. (8

Tuesday -
Ate lunch with Jiajun and company then home-d . Ha! Being lifeless. -.-"
Cried about something that someone informed me .... D:

Cabbed with Tianli , Nicole , PhaQi and Siyun to support the boys! (:
Damn excited as there were many schools always. :/ Saw the match my school VS Bedok View was like.... * Mouths dropped.
Don't be too disppointed guys. Jiayouuuuuuuuuuuuuuus! :D Don't carry heavy heart okay.
After that , head to SIGLAP CC for more badminton. (:
Bussed home in a BIG group after that. :D

School-ed .
Cabbed Tianli to Bedok View ourselves. (:
Was feeling so terrible , having fever 38 degrees. ): But stilll want go support HIM and the others. (; Was like almost fainting lahh~ At least i could bear the terrible feeling until his match over. Was cheering for him tho no strength ler. <:
After that , headed to SIGLAP CC again for more badminton , this time , i really too weak ler.
I slept on the stage , Tianli also. Then Alson kept stomping the stage, -.- But was too weak to yell at him.
Took a short and sweet nap when suddenly , Junhong slam his palms on the stage , we woke up. -.-" But have more energy after that. Played with Tianli for a while , smashing like hell. Got my half strength back. (:
Hom-ed after that.
Was running a extremely HIGH fever at night . So cold.... Took medicine and slept all the way from 8plus. :X

Friday (TODAY) -
Had training . (: Still abit weak lah. But no fever.
At the end , we sang TIANLI a birthday song! (: She was stunned! HAHA.
Then saw Sherralyn SUPERWOMAN and CO outside school. (: Headed for BBTEA shop.
Bussed with Junhong and Cedric after that. :D
Chatted for like 10 mins plus with Cedric at my block then saw Bryant , he left my house. HAHA.


Who have the song , PRETTY BOY - M2M in your phone? Send me! O:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Your laughters don't belongs to me ,

Had a long and tiring day .
Firstly , wish my grandfather , HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D
Secondly , wish XiaoYuan mumo and Gerald Daddy , Happy 10th monthsary! (:

Entire afternoon doing preparation for grandfather's birthday dinner. Eka came to help too! (: Haha. I'm pro in removing the shells of the prawns okay. Even mumo said so. Ha! :D Quite tiring lah. Got all the things done before 6. Aunty Daslly came to fetch us.
Was greeted with laughters when reached. (: Had a great time there.
Then everyone say where my boyfriend? Yea... Last month lah. If now never break , comfirm will bring next time lah. Lol. :/

Hom-ed after that. (:
*Pictures suddenly lost. Post next time. (:

Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees ,

Seeing your laughters but the one who made you laugh, ain't me anymore..

Friday, January 15, 2010

Missing you to the core ,

Hi. I'm back! (:

Monday -
School-ed ; *forget where i went also. -.-"
Hahaaaaaaa.. Never see until him. D: Tsktsk..

Tuesday -
School-ed ; Slack with Jiajen and Jonathan. (: After that , saw Eugene and Junhong , slacked and ate lunch with them plus Jiajun at 151. (:
Accompanied Eugene to his house there. (: Home-d after that.
Saw him once only. :<

Wednesday -
School-ed ; Slacked with Jiajen for a while then went for training! (: Yay! I saw him finally...
Only training then will see him , plus he graduating ler .... ):
Hope he remembers his promise to take me flying next year. O:

Thursday -
School-ed ; went to Hongwei's house together with Raelene , Charis , Jeremy , Justin , BoonTeck .. Should be doing project but we played and watched vids. Haha! Justin uber lame. -.- Headed to TM after that with Raelene and Charis. (: Went to Mom's office and headed back to TM again. (:
Saw Aunty Susan and the sec4 Germaine. LOL!
Hom-ed at 10 plus. (:

Friday ( today) -
School-ed ; Supposed to slack with Jiajen but lazy. Haha. Paiseh lo. D:
Chatted with Amanda Chipster at the hall. Then can see him also. (: After that , she went for NPCC while i set up the courts and stuffs. Played with Tianli for a while , slippery like hell. -.-"
Haha! Training starts. Was a little pissed off by him cuz he like biased , treat me differently... ): Everyone thought he and Tianli ......... D': Sighs. Then when training about to end , Eugene came looking for me. Had a nice chat at the door there. (8

Norrizam so funny , the convesation is lidat :
E = Eugene ; C=Cynthia (ME) ; N= Norrizam.
* Partially of the convesation.
E : Got chio-bu anot? (:
C : -.-" You see for yourself lo .
E : Wa! No chio de. Ask me come up.
C : Haha! Pei wo lah. (;
( Norrizam walked towards us )
N : Cynthia ! Your boyfr uh?! :D
C : No lah! My brother! (:
E ; C ; N : *Laughs!

Lame lah. Eugene is brother lah. (: Not boyfriend. My heart attached to someone le.. But his heart attached to H _ _ _ _ _ _ .... D': Tsktsk..
I love him ; he loves her. D:
Then his mom fetch him , i made Eugene take my rackets for me! (:
Packet dinner for family , and bussed with Junhong , Eugene and Leecheng. (: Damn funny sia!
Hom-ed after that. (:

I miss him so badly.. D': I love you.
WAIT FOR YOU - Elliot Yamin! :D

Friday, January 8, 2010

That breakway ,

Happy 10th GANS-couple monthsary to Junhong and me! (:
Hey girlfriend ! Thanks for everything yaw. Love youuuuu loaddddddddddddddddds! HAHA!
All the best for everything , O's and love. :D

Boreddddddd !
Meeting MiaoJun later and Cindy! Gonna donate money! (: See i so kind right? Lol !
Yesterday donated two bucks to school. Today will donate six bucks. ^^
Okay lah , will post more when i'm back later. (:
Loveeeeeeeeeeees !

Met up with Cindy at 12 noon , then went to roam around Jalan Damai . Went to bubbletea shop. (: After that , MJ called me to go school thr. Then while walking there , saw Doreen and clique. They asked me for donations. -.-
Gave Sameo kor 2 bucks , Benjamin kor and Doreen jie each 1 buck. Others , Paiseh. Broke liao. Cuz promised to give others. :/ After that , gave Mj 2bucks and Xy mommy 2bucks also. (: Saw Ian kor and Gerald.O daddy ! Haha.
Decided to head for MiaoJun's house first as she wanted to changed. Saw tht girl with her boyfriend. Oh yuck. She kept diao me. CCB. _|_
Then bussed to MJ house. She bathed then we lunch-ed and went to shop for some stuffs. Headed back to MJ's house , slack and play poker. I earn money! But never count how much. -.-
After that , went to TM for dinner and treated MJ dinner. (: Then three of us cabbed to my bus stop. In the cab , we kept laughing like mad cows! :D It's long since i laughed that much since i lost him... :/
Mj went to accompany Cindy then i headed home. (:

Manxzxzzx.. Today i spent alot. -.-" Broke liao. TskTsk. Drinking fruit wine. (:
Byeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

Vanish in thin air ,

Hi !
I'm finally back yo. (: School reopen. Had a enjoyable yet tiring 5days.
Hmmm.. Will blog about it , but won't elaborate much. :/

Day one -
Woke up , showered. Head for school. Saw Junhong in the bus too! :D Went to slack together at study corner. After that , assembly ..... Talks talks talks all day. Real hell bored. :X
Slack at Doreen's house after school. Left at 4plus. Homed. (:

Day two -
Woke up as usual , showered. Head for Junhong's bus stop. Decided to head to school together. (: He was late! D: Tsk tsk.. Slacked. Went for classes. Hmmm... Okay okay lo. Not that bad.. Only , i miss 1B-ians. Saddened.. ): The most funny is history. My teacher was Cynthia Oh. She asked me : " What's your name? " I replied " Cynthia" .
Her expression was shocked then gave me a laugh. Lol!
Slacked with Cindy after school. Went to interchange to collect my specs. Had a great time with her. Separated class liao what. Sighs. :/
After that , headed to grandma's house. Saw Dean on the bus. (: Played with cousins. Dinner-ed and headed home. ^-^

Day three-
Woke up , showered. Head for school. Slacked. Went for those boring science lessons , revision for diffusion and osmosis. -.-" Then had mother tongue , music , english , mathematics and history. Hell boring sia. -.-" No choices , gotta work hard for next year's streaming. Tsktsk.
Had training. FUN FUN FUN! :D
Hahaha! Like mad. Me and Tianli was like totally gone nuts. Kept laughing all the way like screw loose. *Laughs.
Went to bubble-tea shop. (: Had a chat with friends. Was kinda angry with someone...... ): B'cuz he misunderstood me. Urgh. Refusing to hear my explaination and kept insisting his believing is right ! Then let it be lah! D: Sighs. I just can't be angry with him , the anger will just melt away. Sighs. :/
Homed after that. 8)

Day four -
Woke up , showered. Head for school. Slacked. Had science , english , CME , art and literature. (:
Straight away went to change then headed to hall. (: It's was the trials and audition for the sec1s. Woahhh.. Damn lots people. Played with many students but less than 10 can go in. -.-"

Damn funny lah one girl. Sot de. Instead of hitting the shuttlecock , she run away from it. Wtf. -.- She can go laughing and giggling to herself. Me and Junhong was like......? * Mouths dropped.

Crazy! :X Some malay boys not bad but all want go soccer and sepak tahraw . -.-" Sighs.
Wa! Got one boy step-pro , walan ! He dunno how to play , nvm. He go anyhow smack here and thr , hit my face twice. CCB. -.-" If you kena selected , i confirmed take revenge!

After a long session , it ended. (: * Claps.
Had a bad gastric pain. D': But now... He don't care for me anymore.... Sighs.
Went to bubble-tea shop , had a chat too. Horny one! 8) Bussed home with Junhong. Had muscle ache. Not so bad lah. Slept early , was shaggggggggggggggg!

Day 5 ( today) -
Had CE , maths , history , chinese. Slacked around after school . (: Chinese dance at hall. Glad that the bitch not thr. No need see her face. (: Junhong told me Fw today go poly openhouse , ask me to tell the girls to guai guai. -.-"
Aye... Once badminton starts , everyone asked me " Whr Fw? Why he never come? "
Aiseh , so many people guan xin ta. HAHA! :D
Due to the previous day muscle ache , it's worse today. Me and Nicole helped the sec1 girls for training and had some matches. Shag like hell loads yaw. More muscle aching. -.-"
When ended , Mrs Foo told me and Tianli to go for what leader workshop thingy in Feb. Woah! Haha. i also dunno what's that. Lol! (:
Homed after that. (:

Tomorrow meeting Cindy and MJ. Going out after she comes back from the CIP thingy at Kallang. No idea heading where yet. Who want come , come leh! The more the merrier. Boys also want! (: Haha. Like despo find someone to go out. Muahahahaa!
Actually Kerry asked me to go Aljunied while MJ asked me to go Kallang , then don't want to disappoint any sisters so both don't go. Wait for them at school. (:
Kays , i go find medicine! :/
Byeee! :D

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Breathless without him ,

Doing social interview now.
School reopening.. Think of it just makes me sick. Oh yuck!
Don't feel like blogging at all. Moody..
I'll just wait for my girlfr , Junhong to call me! So boredddddddddd. Urgh.
Will blog when i think of something to blog abt.

Anyway , Who knows what to bring on the first day? O: I can't pack my bag!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Tht love ain't everlasting ,

Happy New Year ! :D
Yaw , once again , Happy birthday to all as well! (:

Tsk tsk , it's 1st now. 3 more days then i'm back to school ! D: Oh my! Different class next year , suck suck suck! Seriously , screw the damn person who changed my class! Urgh. ):
I'm so gonna miss my Bananaaaa-Clique! D:
Especially Jacinda , Cindy , Daniel , Jeremy , Samita , Diana. )): And rest of the bananaaaa-clique , of course.

Sighs. 2010 seems like a screwed and sucking year for me. Tsktsk. -.- Hope it will be a unexpected year for me. Unexpected in a GOOD way. (:

2010 's resolutions :
- MUST score for the 1st term :
EL - B3
CL - A1 ( as expected)
Maths - C5
Science - C6 (IMPOSSIBLE)
Geo - C5
Lit- B4
L1R4 : 19
L1R5 : 24
[ Set by teacher. Plus promised to do tht as well. ]

-Study ultra hard !

- Give presents to loved ones and all i've owned them in 2009 , all give in 2010.
( Example :
Cindy - '09 and '10 's bday present.
Junhong - His belt plus 2010's present.
Jacinda - Care bears plus 2010's bday present
Fengwei- His softtoy and 2010's bday present
MiaoJun- 2010's bday present
And alot alot , etc. )

- Change specs!
- Get over him yaw !
- Promote to sec3 Express. ( It's a must) !
- Train harder for badminton!
- make more friends!
- Memorable and beautiful memories!
- Outing(s) ! :DD
- PLAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ! ( Still say want study :P )
- Hand in hwk on time!

- Don't make things difficult for teachers ! ( Try my best . Is they come make me angry one hor! )

-Stay close to CLINQUE like superglue , can't drift away! :D
- Break the law ! ( Kidding :P , but i think i broke it alr? )
- Break school rules ! ( I've accomplished that long time ago . Haha! :D )
--Lastly , be a good and civilized girl yo. (: Less vulgarities.
But sadly , impossible. Haha!

Today's the 1st , supposed to be a sweet date for something called monthsary. But sadly , don't have liao. Sighs. Saddened... ): Urgh. No mood liao.
Whr Junhong girlfr go? I'm boreddddddddddddddddd. ):
Sighs ,