
My photo
I ♥ Brothers/Sisters ! I ♥ gans and friends too. LOVE shopping , phone chats , ton-ing , liquor , slacking , texting . (: Photography mustn't be missed out either . I live my life the way i loved . I don't need your judgement . Don't exercise your character insults here b'cuz you don't have the rights to judge me at all . (; I live in the world full of people pretending to be someone they are not . A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. It's also a autograph of love .

Friday, January 8, 2010

Vanish in thin air ,

Hi !
I'm finally back yo. (: School reopen. Had a enjoyable yet tiring 5days.
Hmmm.. Will blog about it , but won't elaborate much. :/

Day one -
Woke up , showered. Head for school. Saw Junhong in the bus too! :D Went to slack together at study corner. After that , assembly ..... Talks talks talks all day. Real hell bored. :X
Slack at Doreen's house after school. Left at 4plus. Homed. (:

Day two -
Woke up as usual , showered. Head for Junhong's bus stop. Decided to head to school together. (: He was late! D: Tsk tsk.. Slacked. Went for classes. Hmmm... Okay okay lo. Not that bad.. Only , i miss 1B-ians. Saddened.. ): The most funny is history. My teacher was Cynthia Oh. She asked me : " What's your name? " I replied " Cynthia" .
Her expression was shocked then gave me a laugh. Lol!
Slacked with Cindy after school. Went to interchange to collect my specs. Had a great time with her. Separated class liao what. Sighs. :/
After that , headed to grandma's house. Saw Dean on the bus. (: Played with cousins. Dinner-ed and headed home. ^-^

Day three-
Woke up , showered. Head for school. Slacked. Went for those boring science lessons , revision for diffusion and osmosis. -.-" Then had mother tongue , music , english , mathematics and history. Hell boring sia. -.-" No choices , gotta work hard for next year's streaming. Tsktsk.
Had training. FUN FUN FUN! :D
Hahaha! Like mad. Me and Tianli was like totally gone nuts. Kept laughing all the way like screw loose. *Laughs.
Went to bubble-tea shop. (: Had a chat with friends. Was kinda angry with someone...... ): B'cuz he misunderstood me. Urgh. Refusing to hear my explaination and kept insisting his believing is right ! Then let it be lah! D: Sighs. I just can't be angry with him , the anger will just melt away. Sighs. :/
Homed after that. 8)

Day four -
Woke up , showered. Head for school. Slacked. Had science , english , CME , art and literature. (:
Straight away went to change then headed to hall. (: It's was the trials and audition for the sec1s. Woahhh.. Damn lots people. Played with many students but less than 10 can go in. -.-"

Damn funny lah one girl. Sot de. Instead of hitting the shuttlecock , she run away from it. Wtf. -.- She can go laughing and giggling to herself. Me and Junhong was like......? * Mouths dropped.

Crazy! :X Some malay boys not bad but all want go soccer and sepak tahraw . -.-" Sighs.
Wa! Got one boy step-pro , walan ! He dunno how to play , nvm. He go anyhow smack here and thr , hit my face twice. CCB. -.-" If you kena selected , i confirmed take revenge!

After a long session , it ended. (: * Claps.
Had a bad gastric pain. D': But now... He don't care for me anymore.... Sighs.
Went to bubble-tea shop , had a chat too. Horny one! 8) Bussed home with Junhong. Had muscle ache. Not so bad lah. Slept early , was shaggggggggggggggg!

Day 5 ( today) -
Had CE , maths , history , chinese. Slacked around after school . (: Chinese dance at hall. Glad that the bitch not thr. No need see her face. (: Junhong told me Fw today go poly openhouse , ask me to tell the girls to guai guai. -.-"
Aye... Once badminton starts , everyone asked me " Whr Fw? Why he never come? "
Aiseh , so many people guan xin ta. HAHA! :D
Due to the previous day muscle ache , it's worse today. Me and Nicole helped the sec1 girls for training and had some matches. Shag like hell loads yaw. More muscle aching. -.-"
When ended , Mrs Foo told me and Tianli to go for what leader workshop thingy in Feb. Woah! Haha. i also dunno what's that. Lol! (:
Homed after that. (:

Tomorrow meeting Cindy and MJ. Going out after she comes back from the CIP thingy at Kallang. No idea heading where yet. Who want come , come leh! The more the merrier. Boys also want! (: Haha. Like despo find someone to go out. Muahahahaa!
Actually Kerry asked me to go Aljunied while MJ asked me to go Kallang , then don't want to disappoint any sisters so both don't go. Wait for them at school. (:
Kays , i go find medicine! :/
Byeee! :D