
My photo
I ♥ Brothers/Sisters ! I ♥ gans and friends too. LOVE shopping , phone chats , ton-ing , liquor , slacking , texting . (: Photography mustn't be missed out either . I live my life the way i loved . I don't need your judgement . Don't exercise your character insults here b'cuz you don't have the rights to judge me at all . (; I live in the world full of people pretending to be someone they are not . A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. It's also a autograph of love .

Friday, January 22, 2010

Lost in your eyes ,

Changed URL. Update! (:

Monday -
School-ed .
Eugene accompanied me and Cindy to TM. Then Cindy left for art club while Eugene accompanied me to CC to look for the boys and he left. (: Thanks Eugene. *
Looked at them play , okay lah , very funny. Oh ya ! RSS compeiting with YuNeng. Haha! (: So cuteeeeeee leh my juniors.
Something made me extremely upset . Someone shouted at me just b'cuz the points. )': Tsktsk..
Then left at 6plus.
Homed. (8

Tuesday -
Ate lunch with Jiajun and company then home-d . Ha! Being lifeless. -.-"
Cried about something that someone informed me .... D:

Cabbed with Tianli , Nicole , PhaQi and Siyun to support the boys! (:
Damn excited as there were many schools always. :/ Saw the match my school VS Bedok View was like.... * Mouths dropped.
Don't be too disppointed guys. Jiayouuuuuuuuuuuuuuus! :D Don't carry heavy heart okay.
After that , head to SIGLAP CC for more badminton. (:
Bussed home in a BIG group after that. :D

School-ed .
Cabbed Tianli to Bedok View ourselves. (:
Was feeling so terrible , having fever 38 degrees. ): But stilll want go support HIM and the others. (; Was like almost fainting lahh~ At least i could bear the terrible feeling until his match over. Was cheering for him tho no strength ler. <:
After that , headed to SIGLAP CC again for more badminton , this time , i really too weak ler.
I slept on the stage , Tianli also. Then Alson kept stomping the stage, -.- But was too weak to yell at him.
Took a short and sweet nap when suddenly , Junhong slam his palms on the stage , we woke up. -.-" But have more energy after that. Played with Tianli for a while , smashing like hell. Got my half strength back. (:
Hom-ed after that.
Was running a extremely HIGH fever at night . So cold.... Took medicine and slept all the way from 8plus. :X

Friday (TODAY) -
Had training . (: Still abit weak lah. But no fever.
At the end , we sang TIANLI a birthday song! (: She was stunned! HAHA.
Then saw Sherralyn SUPERWOMAN and CO outside school. (: Headed for BBTEA shop.
Bussed with Junhong and Cedric after that. :D
Chatted for like 10 mins plus with Cedric at my block then saw Bryant , he left my house. HAHA.


Who have the song , PRETTY BOY - M2M in your phone? Send me! O: