
My photo
I ♥ Brothers/Sisters ! I ♥ gans and friends too. LOVE shopping , phone chats , ton-ing , liquor , slacking , texting . (: Photography mustn't be missed out either . I live my life the way i loved . I don't need your judgement . Don't exercise your character insults here b'cuz you don't have the rights to judge me at all . (; I live in the world full of people pretending to be someone they are not . A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. It's also a autograph of love .

Friday, January 1, 2010

Tht love ain't everlasting ,

Happy New Year ! :D
Yaw , once again , Happy birthday to all as well! (:

Tsk tsk , it's 1st now. 3 more days then i'm back to school ! D: Oh my! Different class next year , suck suck suck! Seriously , screw the damn person who changed my class! Urgh. ):
I'm so gonna miss my Bananaaaa-Clique! D:
Especially Jacinda , Cindy , Daniel , Jeremy , Samita , Diana. )): And rest of the bananaaaa-clique , of course.

Sighs. 2010 seems like a screwed and sucking year for me. Tsktsk. -.- Hope it will be a unexpected year for me. Unexpected in a GOOD way. (:

2010 's resolutions :
- MUST score for the 1st term :
EL - B3
CL - A1 ( as expected)
Maths - C5
Science - C6 (IMPOSSIBLE)
Geo - C5
Lit- B4
L1R4 : 19
L1R5 : 24
[ Set by teacher. Plus promised to do tht as well. ]

-Study ultra hard !

- Give presents to loved ones and all i've owned them in 2009 , all give in 2010.
( Example :
Cindy - '09 and '10 's bday present.
Junhong - His belt plus 2010's present.
Jacinda - Care bears plus 2010's bday present
Fengwei- His softtoy and 2010's bday present
MiaoJun- 2010's bday present
And alot alot , etc. )

- Change specs!
- Get over him yaw !
- Promote to sec3 Express. ( It's a must) !
- Train harder for badminton!
- make more friends!
- Memorable and beautiful memories!
- Outing(s) ! :DD
- PLAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ! ( Still say want study :P )
- Hand in hwk on time!

- Don't make things difficult for teachers ! ( Try my best . Is they come make me angry one hor! )

-Stay close to CLINQUE like superglue , can't drift away! :D
- Break the law ! ( Kidding :P , but i think i broke it alr? )
- Break school rules ! ( I've accomplished that long time ago . Haha! :D )
--Lastly , be a good and civilized girl yo. (: Less vulgarities.
But sadly , impossible. Haha!

Today's the 1st , supposed to be a sweet date for something called monthsary. But sadly , don't have liao. Sighs. Saddened... ): Urgh. No mood liao.
Whr Junhong girlfr go? I'm boreddddddddddddddddd. ):
Sighs ,