
My photo
I ♥ Brothers/Sisters ! I ♥ gans and friends too. LOVE shopping , phone chats , ton-ing , liquor , slacking , texting . (: Photography mustn't be missed out either . I live my life the way i loved . I don't need your judgement . Don't exercise your character insults here b'cuz you don't have the rights to judge me at all . (; I live in the world full of people pretending to be someone they are not . A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. It's also a autograph of love .

Saturday, February 27, 2010

You are my love quote ,

Hai !
I'm in luv with then drama ,

Autumn's Concerto 下一站, 幸福

So romantic and sad . Cried so many times just for this shows. But it's sweet. (:
sayonaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! :D

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tears never stop flowing ,

Not all love story will come with a happy and loving ending ..
Even how much effort you put in , fate is still ain't in our hands .
When God wants to end that fate of ours , there is nothing we can do ..

There are times when I cant decide
whether to see you or not,
I want to see you because I miss you

but there are times when I dont want to see you
because everytime I do,
the fact that you dont see me the way
that I see you hurts me even more ...

The weirdest thing happened the other morning...
I woke up with tears in my eyes...
and one rolling down my cheek...
and I knew I must have been dreaming of you again.

I'm not supposed to love you,
I'm not supposed to care,
I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there,
I'm not supposed to wonder where you are and what to do,
I'm sorry I can't help myself,
I'm in love with you.

You're not worth the tears,
you're not worth the heartache.
I don't know why I give you the time.
You're not worth the pain,
you're not worth the emptiness.
I don't know why I wish you were mine.

I'm sorry for crying over you,
because I said I wouldn't.
But I didn't promise you that,
because I knew it would be a promise
I would never be able to keep.

It takes a couple seconds to say Hello ,
But forever to say Goodbye.

Nothing hurts more than realising she meant
everything to you, but you meant nothing to her.

Love is a precious gift that people
try to hold onto until the end of time,
even when there is nothing left to hold.

You learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh,
but you can never truly love someone until you find out what makes them cry.

True love is when you have to watch a friend leave,
with the knowledge that you might never see him again.
But you know he'll be in your mind and heart forever...

Love starts with a smile,
Grows with a kiss,
and ends with a tear

- All the love you've once showered to me , all the sweet messages , i never forget them at all ..
All your sweet actions , all our memories , is irreplaceable ..
Is you who brought me love and light into my world , but selfishly took it away and turn my world into darkness .
I really wanna tell you everything , the truth , everything everything everything ! But i know i can't . I wanna tell you how much i still love you , i know i can't too ...
Cuz you've chosen friendship than me last time..
Let silence show you the truth someday ..

I'm so lost without you .. It's been two months plus already , but why the love ain't decreasing instead the other way round?
Sorry ... D':

Starry starry night , you're on my mind ..

Hai hai ! (:
Had a awesome week ! (:

Monday :
School-ed . After school , Yuquan came to my house to dye his hair. Bro brought his friends too. I help 5people dye hair including myself . (: The effect is nice ! Yuquan's hair so brown now. *Winks
Thank me hor brother . (:
Dinner-ed together . Homed . :D
* Grandpa fell down , sent to hospital . D':

Tuesday :
School-ed . Pei YueKeat korkor to hospital for treatment . (: Headed to east point after that . He was limping loh , look so pain . ): Get well soon yaw !
Cabbed to my grandma house , dinner-ed . Homed .
*Grandpa broke his arm . ):

Wednesday :
School-ed . Had training. (: I love training manxzxzx !
Headed for grandma house after that . (:
Dinner-ed ; homed .
* Grandpa looked so shag .. :/

Thursday :
School-ed . Went to play badminton in Tampines Sports Hall . Fengwei brought Sherralyn superwoman here ! :D * WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! XD
They left after a while , for the talk for their Korea trip . :D Fengwei amazingly forgotten his uniform . O: HAHA !
Played for 2hours . FUN ! :D After that , Derrick lost his wallet . ): He looked so shag about it.. Tsktsk.. Cheer up di ! ^^
Dinner-ed with Tianli , Derrick , Allson [Qian pi ] and his 2friends ! ^-^
Homed .

Friday :
School-ed .
Had training ! :D
Doreen.A talked to me today. Shocked dao .. O:
After training , got workshop .. Dinner so budget , HAHA ! Fengwei and Jamien ate so heartily . (: Jamien saw the 3 pieces of tofu in my packet food and he said :

J: I want eat your tofu ! *In chinese .
C : Take lah .
Fw : Sounds so wrong !
All : * Laughs ! :D

Jamien meant he want to eat the tofu on my plate ! HAHA ! :D Throw away the food . Ate a lil' .
Headed to workshop . Had a great time . (:
Went to mac with Cindy . Complain to fw about Kong. HAHA ! :D
Homed after that . ^^

I'm so happy today ! ^^ It's long since we talked so much.. I indeed miss you.. D';
9 more days to my birthday ! ^^

Sunday, February 21, 2010

a wide variety of colours ,

Hai !
Went out with parents today .
Had a okay time except cold war between me and dad . We had a tiff about my birthday present . Tsktsk.. D':
Thank God everything's fine now . (:
Gonna pack bag and sleep early , there's school yaw. Bored.. :/


* I suddenly miss you today again .. Cuz i've been to the place we had beautiful memories . (;

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The promise(s) we made , all gone ..

Hai hai ! :D
Had a quite pleasant day . ^-^

Morning , went to meet Yuekeat kor for breakfast . (: His friend , Brandon, joined us too. We head for mac . :] Slacked after eating , then headed home .
Telly-ed ; nap . (:
Went to Doreen house ! (:
Got Miaojun , Xiaoyuan , Sameo , Weijie , Ian , Junyong , Minghui , Ngeehung and Kenneth . (: Played blackjack. Got lose got win . But end up losing $4.50 . HAHA .

Then before we all went home , slacked at the void deck. All except Junyong and NgeeHung , shared 3bottles of Heniken . (: Wa , i drank quite alot too . They are shocked i got drink . LOLLOL . It's normal de lo , Kenneth drank abit only . (:
Wa . Then stomach very warm . But very shiok !
Now , face very red . Hahaaa! Abit sleepy also. Dunno why everytime i drink , i burp alot. Bloated bah. (:

Hao lah , go aoh aoh liao . Sayonaraaaaaaaaaa! :D

PS# Get well soon Gerald daddy ! (:

Friday, February 19, 2010

( Left to right )
Alynna , Jiaxi , Shaire , Beth , Angel , Peiying ,Qinhui , Me and Naomi ! :D
At 2009's teacher's day in RSS's canteen . (:

WOO ! this is a 2006 picture. Means i'm P4 ! :D
Find me ! :D

You're my denominator ,

Hai ! :D
Happy CNY to everyone yaw ! Hope you guys collect many red packets and become money face . $_$ HAHA. Enjoy your new year right ? I definitely enjoyed mine . Hees.
Lazy to elaborate my new year , i just enjoyed it. (:

Wednesday gotta head back to school . I was freaking sleepy. Mdm Sunarti caught me dozing off. Whoops ! D: HAHA. School-ed . Had training . We played catching cuz coaches never come . It's fun de okay. I keep bombing Fengwei ! HAHA .
I made Yuekeat run ! Opps. Sorry , forgotten your leg injury .. Ps bro . )':
Just had a awesome time ! (:
Cindy kept saying to me :
Allson = ulcers ; awesome ! LOLLOL. It sounds alike i know . But don't insult my qian bi xiao xin okay ! (: Hom-ed . Had some misunderstandings , would not wish to elaborate ! :B

Thursday : School-ed , slack till 5 plus. Hom-ed .
* NO LIFE -.-

( Today ) Friday : School-ed . (:
Had training ! It's ultra fun ! Epecially the doubles between Junhong and me against Tianli and Fengwei ! IS FUN ! We won ! Wooo XD
But at least i had a great time. Win or lose doesn't matter. (: Don't care about the ending , but at least enjoyed the process ! * 结果不重要,享受过程就好 !
Went to bbtea shop and slacked till 7 . Homed ! (:

GET WELL SOON to Hongwei ! :D Hope to see you back in class yaw.
Next tuesday , Yuekeat kor is gonna treat me dinner ! WOOOOOOOO ! :D

I thought i don't love you alr , until today's interact with you during training , the strong feelings came back . I've tried to let go but nothing seems to be working. I tried to control my feelings but i really can't . I can only say sorry if i've caused any unhappiness ! D:
But i'll NOT pester you. ._.
i really dk what to do... ):

Friday, February 12, 2010

I'm lack of you ,

Hihi ! Sorry for not posting and leaving it so dead ! OPPS. :/
Post from Wednesday . (:

Wednesday :
School-ed . Have training after that . Tired yet satisfied ! :D Headed to bbtea shop after that . Chit chat around there then HOMED. (:
PS : I hate AK . I believed the entire team does too !

Thursday :
School-ed . Supposed to go to TM with Cindy and Minyi . But we took alot time and when we were done , it's like 3 plus alr. I didn't felt like going anymore so we slacked at my block downstairs ! :D Had longgggggggggggggggggg chat Cindy on so many things. Oh my ! I sure miss her alot. Siann..

Why the teacher wanna make us separate !? D:
I miss Cindy , Samita , Jacinda , Daniel , Jeremy and of course the entire , BANANAAA-Clique ! )': Even last year's joker , Zonghan , also become so quiet nowwwww ! D:
Screw that teacher ! Urgh. I hate you .

Sighs .. Come back to story .
I sent Cindy to the bus stop at 7pm . (:

Friday :
Celebrated total defence day and CNY in school . Correction : It's commerate ! LOL . So boring okay ! Why don't have training ? O: Then other CCA(s) have ! D:
Sighs. Headed to Tm with Cindy , then walked for a while . Basheer called me to go back RSS.
LOLLOL. Nobody go back one ! SIAN !
But i saw Naomi ! Oh oh ! I miss her alot ! We hugged each other .. HAHA. She's slacking with her boyfr , Willy ! Oh , i bet he thought how come i know Naomi ! HAHAHA! :P
Then headed back to school nearby , slacked ! Then HOMED ! :D

Why do i still miss you so much so much when i and you were over? it's been nearly two months ler .. D:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fizzy hair day .

Hi ! :D
Yesterday ! ( 6th Feb'10 )
Slacked at home , bored like hell loads. In the noon , mom and bro went to Tm , i went there slight later than them. (: Shop until 7pm , Dad came to fetch us to Angeline's jie birthday chalet . (:

HAHA. That's the worse part , everyone kept saying where's my boyfr ?! I was like .... don't have lah ! Haiyo.. I really don't have what. :X Then suddenly , everyone talk about me and Andy kor . -.-
Wa! Make me so malu , kept blushing and blushing . Oh my ! :/
Then when Andy kor arrived , it's like even more malu . I don't even want to go out of the room lo. ): So malu okayyy ! Even my grandma also disiao me together with my aunts ! D:

Wah ! Me and Andy kor only cousins lah ! D: Even you guys want me and him together also need FEELINGS ma. NO feelings = NO luv.
Make me so pekchek . :/

(Come baack to storyy ) Left there at 11 plus , headed to Chinatown ! :D Shopped there till like 1am . Then homed !
I got sms ANDY okay ! (: LOLOLOL .

Haha ! Byeeee !
Erm.. for today , i won't blog ! :D
Tag me !

Friday, February 5, 2010

You melt me .

Hi .
My blog is so quiet yaw. ):

Monday :
School-ed . Forgotten where i went also . Got STM . -.-"

Tuesday :
School-ed . Also forgotten where i went . Tsktsk.. My stm is getting worse! ):

Wednesday :
School-ed .
Did CIP after school then head for training. (8
Oh my ! Worse training ever. Vomited two times. ): Then Isabel gastric pain , all can't concentrate well. D: I'm so dulan that day ! -.- Of certain reasons , i decided to keep mum for the reason why i dulan. :X
Cabbed home with Daniel . (:

Thursday :
School-ed . Ended early. Slacked with Yongsheng and CO. (:
Is fun de loh. (:

Friday :
School-ed .
Slacked around before CIP. So pekchek of asking people to put the bags in the class. All slow like wu gui . D: Urgh. Then do CIP. Is tiring okay ! Shag still nevermind , got 1 GL malay aunty scold my team lidat :
* A = Aunty
M = ME

M : Hi , is there any unwanted newspaper or clothes you want to give?
A : SHHHHH ! Got baby sleeping ! What lah !
M : * Repeat the same thing .
A : Don't have don't have ! Get lost ! Don't make my baby wake up . Waste my time ! Get lost lah , idiots bastards !
M : Sorry lah !
A : Continue scolding .
M : * DULAN ! WTF ! If i known got a baby , i shout LOUDER !
Then her baby cry. Wa! Seibeh DULAN okay ! D:
A : Cursing and swearing *

Then met with Daniel and Allson. Told them what happened . They not happy . They went back to the A's house and steal her slippers then dump into the bin ! HAHA ! Thanks kor and Mei - you- bang -ku- zi - de ALLSON ! :D
Then went to help his team . (: Wa! Raining heavily. All stuck with Norrizam's team. Slacked there until all job's done . Headed back school.
Slacked until 5plus . Headed home. (;

Went to City Hall. Parents went shopping . Was like totally BORING !
Tmr going Angeline cousin birthday chalet. (: