
My photo
I ♥ Brothers/Sisters ! I ♥ gans and friends too. LOVE shopping , phone chats , ton-ing , liquor , slacking , texting . (: Photography mustn't be missed out either . I live my life the way i loved . I don't need your judgement . Don't exercise your character insults here b'cuz you don't have the rights to judge me at all . (; I live in the world full of people pretending to be someone they are not . A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. It's also a autograph of love .

Thursday, December 31, 2009


Wishes :
Jacinda - Hey mommy! (: Tho next year we different class liao but we stay close like superglue okay? (: Thanks for 2009's love and laughter you've given me. Daughter love die mommy forever! Last long with daddy ok? :D

Junhong- Hey girlfr! (: Erm.. today's the 1st , means 8 more days to our 10th GANS-girlfriend and boyfriend monthsary! (: Thanks for all you've brought to me this memorable 2009. Jiayous for your O's yaw. Don't always stress yourself k? Cheer up. Put O's first la. Thanks for whatever you've done for me too! :D Love die you girlfr!
Happy 10th GANS monthsary in advanced! :D

Cindy - Yaw daughter! Thanks for being thr for me whenever i needed you to be. Thanks for going through with me all my cries and troubles. THANKS THANKS THANKS! :D Sadly , we're separated next year! ): Screw it. But we will still be as close as ever. No , should be more and more close! :D Love die you daughter.

Fengwei - Hey ! Thanks for you've given me in 2009. Ha! Remembered the first time i know you , i detest you like hell loads. Talking bad behind your back and all stuffs , yaw so i sincerely apologise to you , Sorry dude! :/ But now , i don't detest you at all la. Haha. To a second thought , you're nice! Study hard your O's and hope your dream come through! (: Remember you promised me to do something after your dream came true. I'll be waiting yaw. Wooooooooooo! Flying.. Ha. Love you loads too! (;

MiaoJun- Yaw sister! Thanks for everything you've brought to me as well. Forever and ever , you're always my horny yet adorable sist ! :D Thanks for your wonderful ears and shoulders to let me talk my feelings and cry all i wanted to. Thanks ! :D 2009 is a great year tht i've known you and others too! :D May your O's will be passed with ultra flying colours. Work hard yaw.
Love you sister! :D

Qinhui - Twin! Tho we're at diff school but yaw , stay close! Last long with Jason! :D Love youuuuuu.

Tianli - Hey daughter! Thanks for all the great things you've brought to my life in 2009! And sorry , i always vent anger on you by smashing during badminton at you. Hope it don't hurts. Sorry. :/ Last long with CK hor. Love you daughter!

Sherralyn - Hey Superwoman ! I saw your blog. Oh my i'm so touched. Yea , tho we know each other in december , not very long. But i always wanna say thanks , for coming in my life. It's great being friends with you. Thanks for being thr for me , for all advises and everything you've brought to me. Thankyou darling. (: Let's go out and have extreme fun in 2010 ! Looking forward. All the best for O's ! Love you superwoman. :D

The rest? Ha. Too many at a shot.
Make it short and sweet :
Thanks everyone for all the joy and laughters that you guys have given me in 2009. Let's rock on the house in 2010 yaw! :D Love you guys loads and loads!
Not i biased la. Is alot people mah. Sorry . :/ Well , good luck in the year ahead!
Extreme loves! :D