
My photo
I ♥ Brothers/Sisters ! I ♥ gans and friends too. LOVE shopping , phone chats , ton-ing , liquor , slacking , texting . (: Photography mustn't be missed out either . I live my life the way i loved . I don't need your judgement . Don't exercise your character insults here b'cuz you don't have the rights to judge me at all . (; I live in the world full of people pretending to be someone they are not . A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. It's also a autograph of love .

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Love love love

Jarren's and Jamien's geek specs ; my shades. :D

Present from Yuekeat korkor .

Unglam ! D;

Yuekeat kor , me and Cindy ! More unglam ! ];

In Kbox ! ^^

big big banana split ! ^^

Jacinda mumo's meal . ;]

Cheese & mac ! Me , Cindy & Phaqi ate this ! ^^

Pictures not all up. Upload sooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! :D

Had a okok day ? (:
Went out to celebrate my birthday.. It's still fun after all ! :D
Went to eat at NEW YORK at 1plus . 80+ bucks ! D:
Broke ! -.- HAHHA. Went Four-skin to buy J's brothers specs ! :P Bought my shades too . WOO. XD Went to K after that ! (: Sang sang sang! Till i throat pain . D':
Yuekeat korkor reached , i pei him . :]
After that , head to SUNTEC . (: Walked separately from Jacinda and Phaqi !
Me and Cindy went ballistic ! We played like no childhood . AHAHA. So cute !
7plus , went to PIZZAHUT ! Korkor treat me ! * THANKS ! Luv ya! :D
Then went window shopping after that , head home at 9plus . (:
Tho it's not perfecto' , but at least i'm satisfied ..
HAHA ! THANKS Yuekeat , Jacinda , Cindy and Phaqi for making my day! ^-^

To the guilty ones : Allson , Jamien , Junhong , Sherralyn , Derrick , Jarren , Phyllis .
- it's okay if you can't come . At least you make the effort to try. :D We can still celebrate next year right? :D
Luv you guys yaw! :D

To those who wished me ADVANCED ! - grandma , Tianli , Kaiwen , Peiwern , Aliff , Elyandi , Norizam , Huimin , Phyllis . THAANNNKS ! :D LOVE YOU! :D
* Hope next year is better one! :D
On the phone with Junhong , he's gonna accompany me til my birthday arrives ! (:
It's gonna be 12 ler ! OMG !
My phone is jamming later !