
My photo
I ♥ Brothers/Sisters ! I ♥ gans and friends too. LOVE shopping , phone chats , ton-ing , liquor , slacking , texting . (: Photography mustn't be missed out either . I live my life the way i loved . I don't need your judgement . Don't exercise your character insults here b'cuz you don't have the rights to judge me at all . (; I live in the world full of people pretending to be someone they are not . A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. It's also a autograph of love .

Thursday, December 31, 2009


Wishes :
Jacinda - Hey mommy! (: Tho next year we different class liao but we stay close like superglue okay? (: Thanks for 2009's love and laughter you've given me. Daughter love die mommy forever! Last long with daddy ok? :D

Junhong- Hey girlfr! (: Erm.. today's the 1st , means 8 more days to our 10th GANS-girlfriend and boyfriend monthsary! (: Thanks for all you've brought to me this memorable 2009. Jiayous for your O's yaw. Don't always stress yourself k? Cheer up. Put O's first la. Thanks for whatever you've done for me too! :D Love die you girlfr!
Happy 10th GANS monthsary in advanced! :D

Cindy - Yaw daughter! Thanks for being thr for me whenever i needed you to be. Thanks for going through with me all my cries and troubles. THANKS THANKS THANKS! :D Sadly , we're separated next year! ): Screw it. But we will still be as close as ever. No , should be more and more close! :D Love die you daughter.

Fengwei - Hey ! Thanks for you've given me in 2009. Ha! Remembered the first time i know you , i detest you like hell loads. Talking bad behind your back and all stuffs , yaw so i sincerely apologise to you , Sorry dude! :/ But now , i don't detest you at all la. Haha. To a second thought , you're nice! Study hard your O's and hope your dream come through! (: Remember you promised me to do something after your dream came true. I'll be waiting yaw. Wooooooooooo! Flying.. Ha. Love you loads too! (;

MiaoJun- Yaw sister! Thanks for everything you've brought to me as well. Forever and ever , you're always my horny yet adorable sist ! :D Thanks for your wonderful ears and shoulders to let me talk my feelings and cry all i wanted to. Thanks ! :D 2009 is a great year tht i've known you and others too! :D May your O's will be passed with ultra flying colours. Work hard yaw.
Love you sister! :D

Qinhui - Twin! Tho we're at diff school but yaw , stay close! Last long with Jason! :D Love youuuuuu.

Tianli - Hey daughter! Thanks for all the great things you've brought to my life in 2009! And sorry , i always vent anger on you by smashing during badminton at you. Hope it don't hurts. Sorry. :/ Last long with CK hor. Love you daughter!

Sherralyn - Hey Superwoman ! I saw your blog. Oh my i'm so touched. Yea , tho we know each other in december , not very long. But i always wanna say thanks , for coming in my life. It's great being friends with you. Thanks for being thr for me , for all advises and everything you've brought to me. Thankyou darling. (: Let's go out and have extreme fun in 2010 ! Looking forward. All the best for O's ! Love you superwoman. :D

The rest? Ha. Too many at a shot.
Make it short and sweet :
Thanks everyone for all the joy and laughters that you guys have given me in 2009. Let's rock on the house in 2010 yaw! :D Love you guys loads and loads!
Not i biased la. Is alot people mah. Sorry . :/ Well , good luck in the year ahead!
Extreme loves! :D

Happy New Year! 2010!

May 2010 be a fruitful and blessed year! :D Last long all couples and study hard ; work hard yaw!
Especially all those who are taking O's and PSLE next year , JIAYOUS! :D

Many thanks for all the darlings wishes , back to you guys! Loves! (:
Alvin , Atika , Aunty Eleen , Cindy , Fengwei , Gavin , Glen Neo , Huihui , Irene , Jacinda , Jiamin , Jiayu , Jianyu , JingKang , Joel , Junhong , Leecheng , Lyana , Miaojun , Nicholas , Oscar , Sherralyn , Syafiqah , Tianli , Taichin , XiaoYuan , FAMILY AND FRIENDS , ETC.
* Too many , deleted some accidentally so i don't remembred who sent me. If i forgot your name , tag me , i'll add! (:

Special thanks to my beloved girlfr , LIM JUNHONG ! (: Thanks for doing countdown with me! Haha. Screaming on the phone like mad man leh you. Haha!
Tho a little disappointed he didn't call but at least he just wished. (:
Happy new year to you too! ^^ Imy.

Byeee guys! See you in school soon. Yucks! I hate school! ):
Sighs. A new journey awaits us so let's go!!! :D

All i ever want for Christmas is YOU.
All i ever want for new year is YOU.
All i ever want for valentine is YOU.
All i ever want for CNY is YOU.
All i ever wanted for my birthday is YOU.
All i ever wanted for holidays is YOU.
All i ever wanted for your birthday is YOU AND ME.
All i ever wanted for youth day is YOU.
All i ever wanted for children's day is YOU.
And all i ever wanted for every year , every months , every week , everyday , every hour , every minutes , every seconds , every milliseconds , every moments is YOU. (:
All i ever wanted , is YOU YOU YOU! :D

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

He can't seems to get off my mind..

Hi .
Went out with Jamie , Jeremy and Aunty. ^^ Met them at 1pm in TM. Bought tickets for movie then lunch-ed. Shopping then went for the movie.
The movie not bad lah , funny . After tht , Shaire spotted me in the toilet. Haha! Went to find aunty then i saw Lynn Chua also. Went for more shopping again. Ate dinner at 7 plus. Bought stuffs for mommy.
While heading for interchange , saw Hillary! ;D Then bussed home. Saw Cecilia ! ^^
Homed. Chatting with junhong now.
Junhong , you damn sui today!
I'm finally done with my photo gallery on my wardrobe. I paste like hell for hours! D: But nice can liao! (:

Boy , if you still know how much i still love you , how great will tht be ? O:

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Why can't people just live their life and don't interfere mine...?
I'm so sick of everything... My life sucks so much ever since 14dec.
Why bitches kept smearing my reputation? What good stuffs you bitches get in return? Happiness isit? Wtf.
Thought if everything ended , things will get better but instead , it turns out worst..
You think i don't know anything but actually it's you whom is kept in the dark all this while..
I'm so frustrated with everything.. Can anybody save me..?!
Urgh.. If i can bang the wall and die now , i really will do it now.
Things just don't go the way i want it to. ):
But crying already made me so worn out , can else can i do....?

Monday, December 28, 2009

That hotness drives me crazy ,


Credits : ME! :D
Was waken by mumo's loud voice. -.- Shag man.
Mumo called delivery to house. Ate. Computer-ed ; changed ; went out of house.
Bussed to Junhong's bus stop first then we went to school together. (: Saw Nicole on the bus also.
Reached , Tianli and Gifford in school already. Chit-chat till teacher opened the door for ish.
Training damn funny. Tianli and me kept laughing non-stop. All thought we siao. Lol. ^^
After training , Junhong , Norrizam , Fengwei and me stayed back for the photo-taking. Haha. Damn funny. We laughed till stomachache. (: Fengwei and i made Junhong to take off his jersey then Fengwei asked me to take picture. But we didn't . Muahahaha. Fengwei kept saying the flower very nice. Take home la , Fengwei . -.-
We went out of school and proceed to bus stop after we took finish all the pictures. (:
Junhong and i parted ways with Fengwei at the traffic light as we were going TM to print photos while Fengwei going to BBtea shop. :/
We reached to CS then print all the pictures . Homed after that. (:
I'm off to have my dinner.
Byeee peeps! :D

Sunday, December 27, 2009

My trip!

Jeremy , Jamie , me and Alexkorkor! :D

Alex korkor sleeping. Zzzzzz. :P

The bank name. Short-formed = CCB. Lmao. ^^

Me , Jamie and Jeremy

Me , Jamie and Jeremy. Again. (:

Aunty Ivy , Uncle Kimsoon , Alex korkor , Jeremy , Aunty kimpeng , Jamie, Me , Aunty Agnes and Mumo. (:

Aunty Ivy , uncle Kimsoon , Aunty Agnes , Mumo and KimPeng. (:

Aunty Ivy , Uncle Kimsoon , Me , Jamie , Aunty Agnes , Jeremy , Aunty Kimpeng , Mumo and Alex korkor. :D
Alex kor

Aunty KimPeng , Jamie , Jeremy , me and Alex kor

Me and Jamie



Jeremy's unglam face with Alex kor at backgound. (:

Day 1 -
Woke up at 6plus. Dad sent me and mumo to airport to meet the rest. At 7.30am , all arrived at T3. (: Ate , check in and board the plane. Watched PussyCat Dolls concert on the plane and UP. Haha. Laugh till i drop man. Reached HK in nearly 5hours. Bussed to the hotel at Yau Ma Tei. Alex korkor was there already. He took the united airlines while we took the SQ. His flight was earlier. (: Ohmy! I miss him badly. It's long since i've seen him also. Okay , not very long. Saw him during october. O: Check in at the hotel , went to shop around there. Till late night. Back to hotel. Sleep! :D

Day 2-
Woke up at 8plus. Ate breakfast together. Aunty KimPeng , Alex korkor , Jamie , Jeremy and me proceeded to DisneyLand while the rest went to shop. (:
At disney land , most fun is the space roller coaster! Damn exciting. Haha. Jeremy and Jamie was the most happy ones. Pictures will speaks more.
Meet others at evening , went to catch the lazer performance. Nice man. Went to see the hand prints too. (: I saw many celebrities's handprint. I also don't remember who i saw. -.-
Shop shop after that. Back to hotel. Sleep! :D

Day 3 -
Went to the mountains. The temple was like 300+ stairs. Tiring like hell. Alex korkor lazy so he didn't went up. He fell asleep while waiting for us. Haha! Went to see the sceneary around the mountains. Then went to the shop at the central of HK. Alex korkor bought a Hugo Boss belt for his friend. So good leh he. (: Then went back to hotel nearby shop and shop again.
Back to hotel. Sleep! :D

Day 4-
Randomly shopped at a mall. It was christmas eve. Many people siol. We met uncle Terrence then proceed to the peak. Which can let us see the whole HK. We queued so long just to see the entire HK. -.- It's cold lo. We still eat ice-cream. Muahahaha. Cabbed back to hotel. Eat dinner at 11pm plus. Supper to be exact. At a restaurant that mumo's friends recommanded. Yucks. Not nice lah! ): Eat till 12plus. Went back to hotel. Sleep! :D

Day 5-
MERRY CHRISTMAS! :D We went to Stanley Market! The stuffs there was nice and cheap! Muahahahahah! Shop till i drop ! ^^ Then went to other shopping malls to shop shop shop!
Sounds like it's shoppping spree! :D Nvm , that's what girls do. Agree? Haha. Went back early to hotel to pack things as we were going to ShenZhen the next day. (:

Day 6-
Went to ShenZhen. Mumo fell ill. She stay at the hotel to rest. No mood to shop. Aunty Kimpeng asked me what's wrong. Then she guessed correctly. I cried. She soothed me down. Quite embarrasing. :/ Shopped at the mall.
Alex korkor saw me crying previously then also ask me the same thing. Then i tell him and once again , cry. He hugged me for quite long to soothed me down. We went back to check on mumo. She's better.
We went out to karaoke without mumo. She needs rest. In the karaoke room , i thank Alex kor , he hugged me and tell me something. Haha. He say cannot say. Muahahha. Thanks Alexkor! ;D We sang many songs. Alex kor and i drank beer. Shiok man. Haha. Alex kor's voice damn damn nice okay! :] We went for supper after that. (:
Back to hotel. Slack with Alex kor will 2am plus , he bought me' back to my room. (: Sleep!

Day 7 -
Acarde-d. Damn fun! I played the drums for 9rounds till my hands pain. Haha.
Went for massage and spa too. Wa. Damn shiok siol. Damn ticklish sia , i kept laughing non-stop. The girl whom helped me massage laughed at me also. (: So funny. Then mumo and aunty Ivy not feeling well. We ate there and bussed back to hotel. Watch telly till 12plus. Sleep!

Day 8 (today ; 271209) -
Went back to HK. Do all the last minute shopping. Mumo bought manymany things. (: I go make fun of Yau Ma Tei = You ma ti ! ( You die ) Haha!
Meet up with everyone as we walked separated ways. Alex kor's flight was different timing from our's , he will reach S'pore at 12am while we will reach at 10plus . We hugged each other for the last time. Awwww... :/ The next time i'll see him is 1month later. ); So longggggggg!
Rushed to the airport , board the plane. Watched G-Force and Goodbye Mom. Haha. One is comedy , one is touching yet sad. Reached S'pore soon. Check out.
Took uncle Terrence car back. (: Say goodbye to Aunty kimpeng , Ivy and Agnes , together with Uncle Terrence , Kimsoon. See you guys 1 month later also! :D Reached home . Bathed. Now blogging here!
* Yawns. I'm off to bed.
There's training tmr. Byeee!

PS. I spent nearly 2hours doing this. :P