
My photo
I ♥ Brothers/Sisters ! I ♥ gans and friends too. LOVE shopping , phone chats , ton-ing , liquor , slacking , texting . (: Photography mustn't be missed out either . I live my life the way i loved . I don't need your judgement . Don't exercise your character insults here b'cuz you don't have the rights to judge me at all . (; I live in the world full of people pretending to be someone they are not . A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. It's also a autograph of love .

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tag replies!

To DANISH - Alrights! Enough. Shut the fuck up will ya! There isn't a need for you to make such nonsensical rubbish at my tagboard! You where not happy you fucking idiot! Yea ! I call her whore so what?! She's your sister then you come biased here. Fuck off la hor , i no mood to play such LAME AND NONSENSEICAL games with you and your liars family. You not happy can come find me , no need make a scene here. I got the rights or not to scold her whore , it's also my fucking business. Myob will ya! Btw , you hate me? Your fucking dog problem lah. As if i like you. Don't bhb lah hor. So dramatic siol. Want go mediacorp anot?!
You like to bring past up isit?! Fine ! I'll bring all the past out also. I will copy and paste everything on my blog for EVERYONE to view and comment. Sometimes i wonder you girl or boy ? Only know how to call family come create all sorts of nonsense. CAG. Anyway , NO THANKS. I've enough of your nonsense. Making friends with people like you , will only make oneself more frustrated and exhausting.
You always only know how to say : When i say is her fault? WTH.
CCB. You whr not happy . Seriously , enough already. Your dramatic acts really irritates people alot. Knnb. Get your facts clear. Is who start scolding me bitch and bloody hell nonsense you fucking sissy. People dont have to know what's our past , even i felt that it's so embarrasing cuz i not so thick-skinned like you.
Wa! You dont blame me then what? Expect me to be very touched ? You thought very big fuck uh? I then don't give a fucking damn shit to you. They have the rights to say that cuz you are totally crapping. Dont suck up to my mommy. She's not your mommy anymore. Nor is my others gan-daddy or mummy. The fact is , you're not even son to them at all.
AhSherr is my sister. Why? You not happy isit? Come find me lah. No guts then shut the fuck up.
Oh shut up. I've nothing to do with you and your kinda dramatic-liars-nonsensical-irritating family. Don't need to bring all the shit past up. No one is interested.
You just fuck off from me and my friends can already. No need to ask or talk so much crap with us.
And kindly don't spam your dirty words and name at my tagboard. It's disgusting. Seeing it makes me puke. If you fuck off , everyone will be happy therefore it's happy holidays you idiot.
Don't ever tag my blog anymore , fb also. It irks me. Yucks.
Fuck off will yaw.

Kerry : Awwww.. Cheer up sister! (: Love you.
Charis : Hey girl!
Chermaine- Hahas. Thanks mei. (L)
PeiQi : Hey mei! :D
AhSherr : I'm back nowwwww! ^^ No need care him la. He's just nothing in everyone's eyes. Love you superwoman! (:
Jiamin: Ha, i will. Thanks boyfr! :D
Jacinda : Mommy , no need huanlo this type of people. Just some lifeless dog barking only. Love you ! I then won't get hurt by this type of nonsense. Instead , i'll get angry. HAHA. Later he kena then he know. Laoniang have no patience to play games. Not happy , jitao hoot la. Lol. imy. ):

Wil post my longgggggggggggggggggggg trip post soon! ^^